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Thursday, August 5, 2010

sweet ending

finally, our helper left. good riddance! haha! i am glad that we, especially my kids, and our wallets are safe ;)  i am sure that we'll find a better one even if it's hard to find a very reliable and trustworthy yaya/helper these days. we lost money, true, but we've learned. that's the most important thing. so let's move on...

it's been 2 days since we have no helper and no husband. hey, i'm a single mom!! :) hubby  is on a business trip. so far, the kids and i are ok. catching up on laundry and cleaning and putting things in order of course. tiring but ok. in the midst of this, i got to spend quality time with raya through playing le crosse (spell check), golf, horsey, play dough and puzzles. she's crazy about puzzles these days. she's so good! im proud. rob, on the other hand, well, she just sleeps and drinks milk. i can't wait for her to grow up too. but not too fast ;)

last night, we slept at grammy's (my mom) house who lives like a few meters away from us. hehe. we had dinner there too. it's comforting to have a few companions rather than just me and the kids alone in the house. it also helps me not to miss gelio too much (cheesy!). it's really different when he is not around. oh well! my night ended sweetly anyway. i was putting robin to sleep when raya decided to join us on the floor. she wants to be beside us! that's what i've always been praying... that we will be a close and happy family always!

1 comment:

  1. happy! :) i'm sure the God-sent yaya/helper will come soon :)
