today is the first year death anniversary of our dear tita lynne mandap. she is the sister of my mother. we are close to her family since she is the only relative we have here in the philippines (mother side). when we were small, we used to spend summer vacations in her house. we also spend most Christmases and New Years with them. she and her husband, tito abel, were one of our godparents during our wedding.
i wouldn't write a necro here. instead, i would want to share what i learned about life and death through her.
put your family first, next to God of course. prioritize their needs, take care of them, love them unconditionally. it might also mean putting one's needs and wants on hold sometimes, not on the side, but on hold.
spend time with loved ones as much as you can and enjoy it.
share your joys and pains.
hobbies, passions and likes are best shared.
work hard. save enough for security of the family and enjoy your hard earned money. spend it!
blessings will garner more blessings when shared.
prepare. know God more, be the best Christian you can be, forgive, repent, get medical insurance, and burial assistance.
accept death.
avoid regrets.
be happy