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is indeed beautiful!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

it is just about money

i've mentioned ealier in this blog that my sister is getting married this coming september. i think i failed to mention the location. it's going to be in hawaii. W-O-W!

i'm sorry but we won't be going :'( it saddens me to decline her invitation. i know i am the sister and it is just right to go. but we tried. fact is, we just don't have the budget for it. i know they announced the wedding a year ago and that i even had a year to save up. it is just not enough. last year was really difficult for us in terms of financial matters. i don't want to go through that again. God has been faithful and He has been providing. for the past months we are ok and i am trying to budget and save for the rainy days. if we have to go through that hardship that we experienced last year, i want to be at least ready.

yes we would love to go. she is family. it might have also serve as a vacation for the 4 of us. an adventure even, since it will be the first plane ride for raya and robin, the first international flight and the first travel wherein the 4 of us are togther. i guess that dream will have to be on hold.

our goal for this  year is to pay our debts. we are slowly doing that. thank you Lord! if we attend the wedding, we will be up to our necks in debts. even if i go alone without husband and the kids, it will still add up to our expenses such as tuition and other bills. to spend US$1,000-US$5,000 to attend a wedding is just not possible for a single-earner family like us.


  1. I believe that it is your commitment to your husband and children that has led you to this decision : ).

  2. my friend mitch viray sent me this message through facebook last august 16, 2011:

    Mitch Cayton Dizon-Viray

    Hi Rica, I've read your last blog. I don't know why I can't post a comment but I just want to say that....

    You made the right decision! It breaks my heart because I know the feeling. A couple of years ago, my parents and siblings were in and out of the US and I haven't even been to any Asian country. Who would have thought that I'll have the chance to see Europe. You're doing the right thing, be patient. Just sad that you can't be there for your sister but the important thing is that she understands. God has BETTER plans, more than you can imagine. Keep the faith!
