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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

separation anxiety

right before my second daughter robin was born, we bought my first born raya a bed of her own. she was excited of course. happy that she now have her "own" bed. but she slept on it only for a few nights. then went back to sleeping with us after that.  

that bed was just right beside our bed in the room. so it's like 1 whole big bed. when robin was about 6 months old, she used raya's bed up until last week. the kids sleeps like crazy. they move a lot, talk, kick us, roll over and they like to have lots of pillows. its funny. but its getting uncomfortable already especially since they're getting big every day, kick getting harder and it really disturbs our sleep :) 

i think it is time.

so what i did was to put raya's bed in another corner of the room.  i told her to start sleeping there. i put some pillows with nice bedsheets and superhero blanket. we even encouraged her to put stickers on the wall on the side of her bed. i also helped her make a collage of her pictures. now its her corner.

i watch her read a book in her own bed. i was there on my bed on the other side of the room when it hit me. my first born, raya, is now getting big :'( time flies. i was the one pushing hubby to let raya "separate" from us. ako pala ang di pa ready. i wanted to back away from the plan of slowly letting them on their own. we plan on letting them sleep in their own room. but i know it is time. this is another first for me and once again, i didn't know how it is until i am right in that situation. 

in a few months, robin will also have her own bed. up until now, she still is so clingy to me. im used to it. i try to let her be close to her aunts and grammy. i think its going to take a long time before she lets go. and i know, i'll have a hard time too.

and this is just one of the many letting go situations.

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