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About Me

Thursday, October 21, 2010


passion, according to wikipedia means, an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. A person is said to have a passion for something when he has a strong positive affinity for it. A love for something and a passion for something are often used synonymously.

i love to bake. so how come i am not good at it? so it's not true that if you love what you do, you are good at it? well, it's not all the time that it's bad, it's just that, it's not perfect. and i want it to be perfect! :) i follow the cook book. i use the right ingredients. i didn't go to a culinary school but i know that there are lots of good chef/bakers that didn't have it too and yet they are good. so it coul be that it's not baking that i am passionate about but it's the eating part? hmm... probably :) but i'd still like to learn how to bake [perfectly] what i love to eat! hay!

i'm passionate about my kids. but i do get tired :(

i like to read, but sometimes, i find it hard to make time for it or to find a good book.

i love sports. i used to do tae kwon do in high school until 1st year college and i was  part of the UP rowing team whole of my college life.  now, i don't play any sports.

again, Confucius said that it is important that you DON'T stop. keep on going.

that's why i attended photography class. because i like to learn to take good photos. and i have the best subject which is my family. the events and activities that we have is more than enough practice for me. and my teacher said that we cannot get it in one or two classes. so keep on learning and keep on clicking :)

i'm glad that my husband loves to read books as well. so we share. it doesn't matter that i just read 1 book per month or every other month, at least i do get to read. i'm actually reading a couple of books at a time...the Bible, inspirational book, finance, novel, parenting and of course my kids' books :) wow, talk about learning!

sports, maybe some day. ill stick to my walking and sit ups first. and i honestly want to try yoga.

the baking... i still have a long way to go and a lifetime to practice. i know i'll reach that perfection. i also try to search for recipes online. i attend some cooking class especially at Nestle Club when sked permits it :)

as for my kids, i'm still learning the ropes of motherhood/parenting. yes, i lose control at times, but i'm learning. i am growing up as well.

as my 3 year old raya sings, "keep practicing, keep practicing..."

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