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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

crazy, stupid, love

CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE is a funny movie worth watching. it seems light since it is a comedy, and yet, it speaks so much about family, marriage and love.

the story started when the character of julianne moore asked for a divorce from his husband, played by steve carell, of 25 years. the reason, not mainly because she had been unfaithful, but because she became unsure of herself and of her marriage.

when she told her husband that she did not know when it stopped being "us", it honestly scared me. i haven't felt that (oh my, i hope not--ever!), but fulfilling all the responsibilities of a mother, homemaker, wife and employee (or in my case, a struggling businesswoman) is one hell of a job that one could esily be lost in all of it. that is the truth especially when you have kids. i myself think of my daughters' needs first instead of me.  the husband is often forgotten. i am sometimes guilty of that.

julianne moore was also unsure of herself because she did not know if it is ok to enjoy watching a movie by herself. that is why ME time is so important! to love oneself and to, like what my friend nicole said, to love oneself without giving yourself away. thats so nicely put, right? even steve carell forgot to take care of himself. good thing that the character of ryan gossling was there to help him realize of his value.

i realize that to be able to function well, one has to love herself/himself first. this could be done by having ME time. to do what you love to do. to be with friends. to be alone sometimes. to splurge. eat healthy. be beautiful. thats the way to spread the love.

always remember that before you and your kids became a family, there was just you and the spouse. i think it is also in the Bible that a married woman is first a wife before a mother. so make time with husband. go on dates. have fun together. engage in sports. give each other gifts and love letters. flirt with each other. be beautiful for your spouse. or simply talk and be friends just like old times. communication is the key to a good relationship.

there's one scene that i didn't like. its when steve carell's officemates laughed or took it lightly when they found out that he is getting a divorce. they think its "just a divorce" and not as serious as having a cancer. maybe in their culture or country, its common. but divorce is divorce. people get hurt. family break up. its not that simple.

family, i think everyone knows that this is the reason why we live, because of people we love. there might be differences or fights, but in the end, our family will always be there.

and love, love will keep us alive :D

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