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Through my words, thoughts & experiences, I'd like to share that


whatever happens,

is indeed beautiful!

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About Me

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


since weekdays are spent mostly at school, work and doing other errands, we treasure weekends to be able to spend quality time with each other.

saturday is usually our errands day like going to the pediatrician or attending a party or doing grocery. we like going to the grocery together. its fun. especially when we see the food that we like, openning it and eating it right there. i know its not really allowed inside, but hey, we make sure we pay for it. honest!

sundays, i like. one thing that we try not to really miss is going to church as a family. that's a priority and a really important thing for us. if we have extra budget, we eat out to our fave restaurants. it doesn't have to be fancy, as long as we satisfy our cravings. we go to the mall once in a while, buy what is essential and sometimes treat raya to her favorite place -- timezone! other times, she gets to buy a toy. we try to control this of course.

if we don't have the budget, we have lunch or dinner at home. we will cook our "no-frill-good-food such as tocino (with salted eggs and tomatoes), fried chicken (with Maggi noodle soup), spam (with sunny side up egg), etc. since we are home, we would just read or rest in our room and turn on the aircon. at times gelio and raya will cook their favorite popcorn and watch videos. it is at weekends that we allow ourselves to eat "junk food" like chips and sodas and plenty of chocolates! if we don't have errands, we are allowed to sleep late, wake up late and even sleep through the day. it is also a time wherein the house especially the room is a mess and we couldn't care less.

lazy day, chips, sodas, popcorn, chocolates, kiddie parties, timezone, messy bedroom, comfort foods, messy bedroom, half a day spent on the bed with the kids in an airconditioned room....

ahhh.... life is beautiful!

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