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is indeed beautiful!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

my very first rest day

i can't believe it! after three years of being a full time mom, i will be able to have my very first rest day!! yahoo! Praise God!!

it hasn't happened yet but i am near it. i made the first step. i've booked a ticket to seoul for june. see?

it has to happen. it will. i want to. i'm excited becuase i've been meaning to travel alone. i'll be with my girl friends and my family won't be with me. and that means freeeedddooooom!! hehe. no chores, no kids and husband to take care of, no schedule to follow, i can wake up anytime i want to (and perhaps have my first 8+ hours of uninterrupted sleep!!), go anywhere i want to (and take lots of pictures), no chores, etc. in short, the time is FOR ME. i love my family dearly, but hey, i'm just human who gets tired too and wants to have a ME time. its for my sanity. besides, how can i take care of my family if i don't know how to take care of myself, right? i need to recharge. i want to do this for myself for a lot of reasons.
  1. to rest
  2. do as what pleases me
  3. discover myself
  4. discover the world
  5. to recharge
  6. for my independence
  7. for my family's independence
  8. fulfilling one of my bucket's list ;)
  9. renew old ties with good friends jeanne, boomy, and nics
  10. to take care of myself
and so much more. i can't wait!

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