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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

birthday parties

two weeks from now and its robin's 1st birthday. of course we will have a party! why shouldn't we? her ate raya had one and it was such a success that people talked about it for weeks :) we're glad. after all, we spent for it. now i wonder why we did it. and so now, we have to have a birthday bash as well for robin. and if God will grant us another kid, he/she too will have a party. sheesh!

i don't regret throwing a party for them. i know that at 1 year old, they wouldn't understand anything. raya was our first child and so we were excited. so we didn't think about the cost. with robin, well, we want to. and we are thinking that it is unfair if we don't give her a first birthday party. right now, robin wouldn't even know what's fair and what's not. we as parents, would just like to avoid comparisons and jealousy when we can. i know someday, robin will be able to appreciate the party. like for raya, now that she is 4 years old, she gets to "enjoy and appreciate" her first birthday party by watching the video over and over again. hehe. and she keeps on thanking us for it! aaawwww.

i was just thinking that the money spent (and will be spending) for the birthday party could have been spent on bonds or time deposit for their future use. but it didn't. it won't. but there's no turning back the time. so on robin's party, we will try hard to be practical and put the money to good use. great food. great prizes. fun entertainment. and so on.

perhaps, if there's an abundance of monetary funds, things would be different :)

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