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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

faith, love, God, among other things

marriage, love, faith, God ... how do you explain these to a 5 year old? i honestly don't know. but my daughter asks about these things already. its hard as it is molding her into the best person that she can be. and giving her the "right" answers to her gazillion of simple questions would also depend on it.

it seems so sweet when she asked me to "marry her", but it breaks my heart to "turn her down". but still, i had to be firm and explain that i cannot marry her because i am already married to daddy... and so and so... and i would go ballistic when she would look at me and say, "but i want you to love me more". what am i supposed to think?!

faith? whats is it? it's something you believe in but cannot see. like what?

God? who is God? He is the daddy of Jesus. oh, He lives in the clouds? yes. He is also around us. where, i cannot see Him. who is Joseph?

so God is like a superhero? yes. wow, thats cool!

she once suddenly asked: "why is superman wearing a panty?"

there was a time when we were at my mom's house when i told her that we will have snack at our own house since there is no food there (forgot to explain that they havent gone to the market/grocery yet). she then asked, they are not blessed?

oh my gosh. i really have to think of the words i use. i just want to introduce the kids to God even this early. i want them to realize that we are blessed to have shelter, food and even books and toys. i don't mean for them to think that others are not blessedjust because they don't have food. so how do i explain this?

about sharing. we always tell her that sharing is good. so what will i do or say when she gives her baon to her busmates and nothing left for her? she also got the cookie i was eating so her busmates could eat it because her friends "like it" and that "sharing is good?". i told her that she should eat it first and think of herself first before other people. even that seems not so good. hay!

money. i remind her that she needs to study hard, work hard so she'll have money. and she said that i should work hard so i can give HER money.

yes, these are all funny and cute. smart too. but i still need to choose my words and just trust that she would become the best person that we want her to be.

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