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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

robin's development

i'm so proud of our second daughter, robin! with my two daughters, i am finally starting to understand the phrase "my reason for living". it's so amazing how motherhood can brng such impact in a person, huh?

on rob's first year, we were so worried that she still couldn't walk on her own. when she was 18 months old, we were worried that she doesn't know a word yet. now, she couldn't sit still and would always like to go outside to walk around the village. she would also talk or babble a lot that i am actually begging her to be quiet even for a few minutes! she grows up so fast. so charming, too. smiles a lot. very strong personality. if it's no, its really no for her. if she doesn't get what she wants, she gets so frustrated. she is at the stage wherein she is trying to imitate us. instances such as when she would also put moisturizer after washing her face, she wants to put on make up as i am putting mine, loves to wear her daddy's socks and shoes, and though her hair is short, she wants me to 'fix her hair' after i do ate raya's hair. she likes to play her ate's toys and bike, likes to play with my laptop or her ate raya's laptop, likes to color and build blocks when her ate is doing it too. then she would proudly shows her 'work' to us and says "tada!". =) one funny thing is that she also taps the remote control to the wall because she sees us doing it [when the remote isn't working properly]!

when excited, she would sometimes express her emotion by pushing or slapping us. if we say "oww", she would point at the 'injured' part then she will kiss it as if to soothe the pain. when her ate raya falls, she would offer her hand to help her up. when rob sees her ate raya cries, she will get her bib and wipe off the tears from her sister's face. when ate raya is reprimanded for being naughty, robin will come to her defense by being "mad" at us. actually, raya is the same way too. when robin is being reprimanded, raya will go to her and comfort her and will say "it's ok. don't do it again. what you did was bad and very wrong. just go to mommy and say sorry".

these things, tugs my heart all the time. it means a lot to me, to us as parents. makes me think that we might be doing something right. it's hard being a parent. when we see that the values we try hard to instill in them are being practiced, that is the greatest reward one could ever ask for.

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