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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

the precious thing i got from the trip

i still can't get over my trip to korea with my 3 college friends namely nicole, boomy and jeanne. aside from the walks, jog, yoga, food trip , talks, a bit of shopping and sight seeing that we did, i can't forget the things i learned from these 3 whose worlds are quite different. nics being an island girl, boomy living a luxurious life in korea and jeanne always exploring the world and the seas.

funny, i don't remember the time how i met them. i know they are college friends and that they are special. and i love them. and thats how it will be.

nics gave me the push that i can help mother earth one at a time. i've always wanted to. i did my share by saving on water and energy. by participating in earth hour. by suggesting to our community re segregation of trash. but there is still more. and it can be done a step at a time. though i still can't find a supplier of earth friendly laundry soap for our laundry shops, we are putting a sign to our customers, encouraging them to bring their own laundry bag so that we won't use much of plastic. soon, we will totally eliminate it. i also make it a habit to bring with me a small bag (i have a couple at home) for small purchases like veggies, bread, medicines, milk, etc. so that the bagger at the grocery won't give me plastic anymore. like i've said, i have a couple of canvass bag at home given by friends. i guess, i just have to see somebody like nicole to see that it's actually being used before i use it myself. i don't know why. but i'm glad i'm somewhat helping. thanks nics.

boomy... i can't tell how much i admire her for being a mom. the way she lovingly communicates to her 2 adorable sons ollie and stan, its so refreshing. mind you, she is on her third trimester to their son and she remains cool. i remember, when i was on my third trimester with robin, i was irritated most of the time and poor raya always receives my bad temper :(  so i've seen boomy. now i try to be more patient with my daughters. to talk to them cooly just like boomy even if both of them are whining and crying. i try to be with them and play their games. to stay positive even if things go wrong. now its a bit manageable with the girls ;)

jeanne is living her life. when i asked what her future plans are, she said she was shocked by my question because she doesn't know. the thing is, she knows. she loves to read and spends her hard earned money buying books. she also loves pets/dogs. she have a couple back home and spends for their food. she loves to discover the world and so she has worked (and will go back) in a luxury cruise lines. she loves the water, and now she is a dive master. she even had a recent trip to tubataha! she claims that she doesn't have the money. but look at what she have purchased and accomplish? she had spent to live the life she wanted. what i learned from her? to love what you love... spend for love :D

i wish we'll have the opportunity again to be together and create a new adventure

1 comment:

  1. awww rica! this is so beautiful. thank you for sharing. i love you! ~ nicole
